Convert Bootstrap Template to Blazor - Part 3
Convert Bootstrap template to Blazor => Part 3 This is part 3 in my 7-part series on how to move a free Bootstrap Template and make a Blazor application out of it. You can read about the other post here: 1. Part 1 – Create project and Copy over assets 2. Part 2 - Navigation Since we are building a Blazor application and everything cool in Blazor is a component, we need to create some components. It might seem like over kill, but I will be building header and footer components in this post. Header This is the Header: You should notice there are a couple of variable items in this section: 1. Avatar 2. Name 3. Summary I want to make this section configurable. In order to do this we can either pass in parameters into the component or we can have some type of a configuration service. I prefer the configuration service, it allows us to take the application in a few different areas with minimal work. Configuration Service...