Blazor Form Validation
Creating an input forms is needed for just about every
application. Creating a form in Blazor
is fairly strength forward using the Blazor components and the ASP.Net Core
Data Annotations on your model. The cool
part is that the data annotations on your model is the same both in the client
and on the server. Another benefit of
For this post we will be modifying the standard Weather
forecast sample that ships as one of the pages in the project templates. We will be changing it cities with their
temperatures. I will be using this
project for the next couple of blog post, I will just be adding new features to
Getting Started
To get started building input forms, we will create a model
and add our data annotations to it. We
have several simple fields and data annotations that deal with required and max
length. These should be common.
public class CityWeatherInfo
public int Id { get; set; }
public string City { get; set; }
public string State { get; set; }
[Range(20, 120)]
public int Temperature
{ get; set; }
public string
FeelsLike { get; set; }
We will create a standard service that will provide static
data and the normal GetAll() method that returns a collection of
CityWeatherInfo. We will have to register
the services in our startup class.
We will have the normal list page that shows all the cities
we have weather data on, just like the standard weather forecast page.
<table class="table">
<th>Temp. (F)</th>
@foreach (var city in cityInfo)
We add a button to our list page to display the form we need
to fill out to add a new city’s weather to our list.
<button class="btn
btn-primary" @onclick="AddCity">Add New City</button>
In the AddCity method we add a navigation call to go to our
add page. You will need to inject the
NavigationManager service for the page to be able to use this service. As you can see, navigation to a new page in
code is also very simple.
Now comes the fun part.
We need to add a form that we can use to add a new city with its data to
our city info collection. There are
several components built into Blazor that will help us out. The main one is <EditForm>. You set your model and the event handler for
handling the submit.
Model="@city" OnValidSubmit="@HandleValidSubmit">
You should have noticed
the event we are handling is the OnValidSubmit not just the submit. We are using the OnValidSubmit because our
model has the validation of the data annotations. When the user clicks submit, Blazor will
validate the model based on the data annotations. If it is successful, the event handler will
be called. If it fails, you can display
the validation errors the standard ASP.Net way using either <DataAnnotationsValidator /> with <ValidationSummary /> or <ValidationMessage For="@(() =>
city.FeelsLike)" />. This will make the code much simpler
and cleaner.
So, this is what our
form looks like, using the summary validation component:
<EditForm Model="@city" OnValidSubmit="@HandleValidSubmit">
<DataAnnotationsValidator />
<ValidationSummary />
<label for="city">City: </label>
<InputText id="city" @bind-Value="city.City" />
<label for="state">State (Abbr): </label>
<InputText id="description" @bind-Value="city.State" />
<label for="temp">Temperature: </label>
<InputNumber id="accommodation" @bind-Value="city.Temperature" />
<label for="classification">Feels Like: </label>
<InputSelect id="classification" @bind-Value="city.FeelsLike">
<option value="">Select Feels Like ...</option>
<option value="Beaching">Beaching</option>
<option value="Nice">Nice</option>
<option value="Nicer">Nicer</option>
<option value="Hot">Hot</option>
<option value="Windy">Windy</option>
<option value="Bad">Bad</option>
<button type="submit">Submit</button>
<button class="btn btn-primary" @onclick="CancelAction">Cancel</button>
On the HandleValidSubmit
method we will need to add an “Add” method to our service to handle adding the
new city to the collection. You can see
that method in the source code since it is simply added an object to our city
info collection.
Once we successfully
added the new city object, we need to go back to the list page so the user can
see the new city added to the list collection.
To do this, we will simple use the Navigation service and put the list
as the page to go to.
What is cool about doing
it this way is that when we navigate back to the list page the OnInitializedAsync method will automatically get called and
that will reload the city infos into the collection and the DOM will be updated
with the change.
Since we are using the
Server Model of Blazor, this is fine. If
you were using an API to handle the data persistence, you would return the new
City from the Add call, add it to the display collection yourself. You would have to manually call
StateChanged() to update the DOM. Or you
could use the State management pattern.
Now we have the ability
to add new Cities to our list. With
Blazor it because very simple because “There is a component for that”.
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