10 Good Habits for developers

As a developer it is easy to get caught up in deadlines, technology, product releases etc.  But if you have a few good habits, it will make your work and life much more enjoyable.  This is not rocket science, it is common sense, but sometimes we need to be reminded about them.

What I mean by habit is: “an acquired behavior pattern regularly followed until it has become almost involuntary”.  You want to do these without thinking about them, you want them to be second nature.  When you regress, do not get down on yourself, just try to do them again.


      1.  Take breaks

You need to take frequent breaks, at least 5 minutes every hour or so.  Some developers use a pomodoro timer or type of system.  You need to get up from your chair and walk around.  Go outside, get fresh air.

When you are stuck on a problem, is the best time to take a break.  You will be surprised how quickly you resolve the issues after your break.

          2.   Ask for help

This is a hard habit for many developers to do.  Developers by nature want to solve problems,  asking others seems to go against that.  Plus, there is the imposture syndrome as well.  Our career field is huge and constantly changing.  No can be expected to know of remember everything.   Change the way you think about asking for help.  Instead look at it as a learning opportunity.

 You need to remember that not asking for help is a waste of your time.  It is good to work a problem as much as you can, but we all have hit that virtual wall.  You need to be able to recognize when you are speeding your wheels and just ask for help.

        3.   Never stop learning

 For our profession, this is not only a habit to have, but a necessary to be employable.  Things are always changing.  You need to find ways to keep learning.  It would be nice if worked paid and allow you to learn all kinds of new things, but that is rarely the case.  You must know that YOU are the only one responsible for your career.  Other can help, but it is all up to you.


 There are plenty of ways to achieve this.

A.      Volunteer for new work projects

B.       Side projects

C.       Do volunteer charity development work

D.      Blog

E.       You tube channel

F.       Business programs

G.      Management programs

Everyone learns differently, reading, doing, videos etc.  Find how you learn best and find instructors that you can relates to.  Pick things you are interested in and not just technology.


        4.  Clean Code

 It is like keep a clean house or maintenance on your car.  It will save time and frustration in the future.  Best reference the book “Clean Code” by Robert Martin


Try to achieve:

a.       Visibly clear code

b.       Effective code

c.       Secure code


This sounds a little self-serving but in the long run it will help you.  For example, have you ever come back to a project you worked 6 months ago and could not remember what you wrote or why?   This habit will make your life easier.


       5.  Work life balance 

This habit is good common sense, do not over work, spend time with your family and take vacations.  It is easier said than done. 


It takes a conscience effort to stop working, get up from your desk and leave when you have a deadline, people counting on you or you are in the middle of a problem.  But it will help.


You need to do things other than coding and do things that make you happy.


6.  Avoid office politics


This one is easy.  Be a nice person. 

a.       Be respectful and diplomatic

b.       Avoid negativity

c.       When you run into a bad situation, ask your self what you can learn from it.

d.       Try the “yes, but” when you hit a conflict.



        7.  Learn from your mistakes 

We all make mistakes, that is part of learning.  If you feel you do not make mistakes, then you are not pushing yourself.  You need to learn from your mistakes and avoid making the same mistake multiple times.


8.  Avoid giving up

Frustration is very common with development.  You cannot give up on the first issue.  You must keep going.  You will learn by these frustrations.   You will always hear the saying “Success is just around the corner”.

There is a balance between not giving up and asking for help to soon or too often.  You will learn the tipping points for these.  It will come with experience.


9.   Avoid being “that person” 

We all have seen and know the “that person”, hard to work with, a know it all, more willing to tell you it wont work as opposed to helping you getting it to work.  Simply do not be that person. 


Try to :

1.       Be respectful

2.       Do not talk down to others

3.       Be helpful

4.       Treat people how you like to be treated. 


       10.  Accept criticism 

You need to understand that criticism makes you better when you can accept it and learn from it.  Try to say “Yes, Thank you”.


It is very easy and a natural reaction to get defensive when someone criticizes you.  Take a mental time out, relax, breath then answer.  



Decide each morning that you will have a good day.

Not to get to philosophical, but you can only control your own thoughts and feelings.  Each morning you get to decide what your attitude will be for the day.  You can choose to be positive and happy, grumpy, and negative or worst yet, you do not think about it and let others influence your thoughts and feelings. 



It takes a conscience effort and hard work to make these into habits, but the rewards are well worth it.  Not just in your development life but in all your life aspects.  Good luck and just keep positive.


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